Dubai, a city known for its glitz and glamour, also offers a high standard of living that includes excellent healthcare. However, to access these medical services, having health insurance is mandatory for all residents, including expats and UAE nationals. Having health insurance in Dubai provides peace of mind and ensures you can access quality healthcare when needed.

Why Health Insurance is Essential in Dubai

  • Visa Requirement: Valid health insurance is mandatory for obtaining a UAE residency visa.
  • Avoiding Fines: Living without insurance incurs monthly fines exceeding typical insurance costs.
  • Accessing Quality Care: Private insurance grants access to Dubai's top-tier medical facilities and English-speaking professionals.
  • Peace of Mind: Comprehensive coverage prepares you for unexpected medical needs.

Understanding Your Options

Dubai offers a variety of health insurance plans, including:

  • Employer-Sponsored Insurance: Many employers provide health insurance as a part of their benefits package.
  • Private Health Insurance: If your employer doesn't offer coverage, numerous private insurance providers cater to expats. Popular options include Cigna Middle East and Aetna International. These plans provide various coverage levels and add-on modules for customization.
  • Essential Benefits Plan (EBP): This government-subsidized plan provides basic healthcare coverage to low-income earners (below AED 4,000 monthly salary) and their dependents. It costs around AED 550-650 annually but has limited coverage amount and pre-existing conditions.

Choosing the Right Plan

  • Consider your needs and budget.
  • Do you need coverage for dependents?
  • What level of coverage (basic, comprehensive) do you require?
  • Are there specific medical needs you need to be covered?

Making the Process Easier

Bespoke Strategy Solutions can simplify your health insurance journey. We offer:

  • Expert Guidance: Our team can help you understand your options and choose the plan that best suits your needs.
  • Streamlined Enrollment: We can assist you with applying for your chosen health insurance plan.
  • Additional Support: We can help you obtain a medical card to access public healthcare facilities.

Focus on Settling In, We'll Handle the Rest

Refrain from navigating health insurance, which stresses your Dubai relocation. Contact Bespoke Strategy Solutions today to ensure you have peace of mind regarding quality healthcare coverage.

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Navigating Healthcare

Choose the coverage that best suits your needs and budget